
Too Thin — October Memoir Challenge — 14 Comments

  1. The lunch lady used to cook our lunches at her home and bring it down to us when I was in first grade. Amazing! I still remember it just like my grandma’s cooking. Then from second grade on…industrialized fare that kept getting worse and worse until the cardboard pizzas of my high school years. Now everything is plastic wrapped. Doesn’t even resemble food.

  2. Wow, what a hassle for you Joy. Chloe’s father has a strong food obsession and is very obese. He would try to push food at Chloe and my other two kids constantly staring into their plates and making comments. Those were a few difficult years. (needless to say we are divorced) But I was the main parent and always took the position that they will eat before they die of starvation and guess what? They did.

  3. Pingback:Four Square — October Memoir Challenge | Joy's Book Blog

  4. Ugh, I always bought my lunch too. My mother said food taken in a brown bag would go bad before I got to eat it and would make me sick, lol. The cafeteria always had a weird smell to me – it came from a soup they made. ick.
    I’ve always had an issue with weight too. At first the issue was my mother – she always said I was “chunky” but you can see in pictures I wasn’t. But it was apparently a prophecy, because later I was. I had a kinda weird rollercoaster thing going. I was thin as a young child, started putting on weight in about 3rd grade (so embarrassing, they’d line you up and take you to the nurse where she weighed everyone and loudly announced the height and weight 🙁 ) then in sixth grade I slimmed down quite a bit, but in high school (10th grade) started putting it back on again.

  5. Pingback:Schools — October Memoir Challenge | Joy's Book Blog

  6. Pingback:1979 Book Review: The Shepherd of the Hills by Harold Bell Wright — October Memoir Challenge | Joy's Book Blog

  7. Pingback:Book Review: The New Diary — October Memoir Challenge | Joy's Book Blog

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