Hi! My name is Joy Weese Moll. I love computers and libraries. This is my blog about books, mostly. I read for pleasure and for information, so there is a wide variety of books covered in my posts. Here are some of the topics I cover often:

The British Isles. I host British Isles Friday, a weekly link party. My posts are usually review of books, films, or TV shows. Sometimes I write about news stories that don’t always make it to the US, invent fantasy itineraries for my next trip, or research filming locations.

Race in America. I belong to a book group that focuses on race in America. I described it most fully here: Grow an Activist with Books. Our book lists are a great place to get started on this topic:


Writing. I enjoy NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month in November. Check out my NaNo 2018 page for my thoughts about this year.

Updated: March 20, 2018