
Book Review: Fast, Fresh & Green by Susie Middleton — 10 Comments

  1. This looks good 🙂 I am so glad that I finally stumbled onto a veggie post in weekend cooking. There has been a lot of focus on meat, this week 😉 So thank you!

  2. I think I have that cookbook, but I don’t remember cooking from it. I’ll have to take a closer look. We love our veggies, so I don’t generally have to add fats to make sure they’re eaten. The beans look fab.

  3. Great review! I have the book, I read cookbooks like other people read novels, and I usually add less fat than called for, and sub olive oil for butter or go half and half. The string beans look amazing! Not a fan of steamed but roasting brings out such great flavor you can use lots less fat or none.

  4. Both these cookbooks sounds great. I love the eat by colors advice…I do make my children eat something from every color group on the table. Roasted Green Beans would be something our family would love and cremini mushrooms are delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  5. I thought I’d tasted every possible method of fixing green beans. This is an unusual combination that somehow sounds good.

    I must say, I’ve enjoyed your parade of good nutritional books. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for April.

  6. This sounds like a lovely cookbook! You’re right, oil in itself is not a bad thing, it depends on how you use it. Steamed veggies are alright, but I do get fed-up with them very fast 😉 Thanks for that yummy recipe! *adds cookbook to wishlist*

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