
Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge #SundaySalon — 24 Comments

  1. You are much further along in your preparation than I am. I also aim to get ahead at this time of the year. I still need to finish my list of movies that I am featuring for my challenge. I have the A Post done and a few more started. I am looking forward to your theme. I love Washington D.C. and am curious to hear about this very specific history.

  2. Joy, this challenge sounds like a perfect way to add a bit of serendipity to our posts. You have been able to use this challenge to push ahead in your novel, and that’s lovely, too.

    For me, writing, even when it doesn’t result in something amazing, is a delight, almost like the fun others (apparently) get from going to a loud, out-of-control party. Fun for me is play, and writing is play.

  3. I have never done the A to Z challenge because I don’t think I can come up with that many topics! What a great and creative way to work on your novel.

  4. Looking forward to reading yours. This the first year I’m attempting to write a complete story through the A to Z’s, you’re absolutely right. I need to get it all written before April 1st. That is the greatest challenge. I’m up to the letter O.

  5. Sounds like you’ve done a lot of research for your novel. Good idea for a theme. You’re off to a good start. I’ve barely done anything, but I’ve at least laid out my posts which now I need to develop..

    Have a great April A to Z.


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