
Snowmelt #SundaySalon — 16 Comments

  1. Is that what’s going on? The polar vortex? Our temps will plummet this week, drastically, just when the snow has almost all melted. Have a good warm week.

  2. I completely agree with Mae: anything that cheers you up. That’s my strategy, too. I’m sticking to books and other media that highlight the good in the world. I signed on for a challenge to write a poem every day for the next 365 days, and that’s a bright spot.

    I do like an occasional dose of reality like Evicted. I remember kids at my school suddenly appearing with papers to move, sad, shuffling around, going place to place, school to school, parents trying to get together enough money to put down for a new place to rent. Very rough.

    I hope you will share a bit of your snow with us down here.

  3. This year I am putting some decorations up. Christmas arrived so fast, it seemed, and I think some decorating would have bolstered my mood. Heck yeah, leave those decorations!

    Love All Creatures – the books and shows.

  4. As someone who is preoccupied with social justice, I’m sure I would find Evicted informative. Adding to my TBR list. Thanks for reminding me that All Creatures is back!

  5. It is cold and snowy here, but we did have a little melting yesterday (I think yesterday) it was in the mid-30’s. So, we had to be careful of ice this morning, as it is now only 22. I am the type that likes my house back in order after the holidays, so our tree is down, but I can see the appeal of having it up longer. Have a great week!

  6. Evicted sounds like a hard but interesting read. Adding it to my list. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I just learned that in China you don’t get evicted if you lose your job and can’t pay your rent or mortgage.

  7. I don’t think I’ll be able to get to my front porch without slipping on ice until August. There’s just so much of it!

    I went back and forth n my Christmas decorations but ultimately took them down but, honestly, only due to the timing of other events in my life. Have a great week!

  8. Evicted sounds like an eye-opening but tough read! I’d need some light-hearted entertainment after that, too. I have a PBS Passport and I’ve been interested in starting All Creatures Great and Small for a while. Happy to see you’re enjoying it after 5 seasons! Have a lovely week, Joy!

  9. Evicted sounds tough — but illuminating. I’ll have to check out Alexis Hall b/c I could use a laugh. We have plenty of ice here as well, which makes walking tricky, sigh. Enjoy your week! The PBS series sounds good.

  10. Thank you for stopping by my blog and giving me a pep talk about self care. I made it through today by having QVC on the TV all day so I had no chance of running into anything about the inauguration. Ha! Now football. I think I will make a loaf of bread for dinner, too. Have a good week. Stay grounded.

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