
Snowed in #SundaySalon — 14 Comments

  1. Your projects for the year sound interesting. I hope your snow melts soon. When I lived in the St.Louis area snow rarely stayed around the way it does here in Michigan.
    best, mae at

  2. I hope you don’t get a of snow for the rest of winter. I grew up in Ohio and miss the snow. I’d love to move back because I have sisters etc. there but my kids are here. In January 1978 I had my first baby. There was a blizzard and there was so much snow that there was only a few other car on the road for the 30 miles home. We had a Jeep and my husband got us home safely but when he turned into the driveway the Jeep slid sideways and ended up in the ditch. Thankfully the ditch wasn’t deep and the Jeep didn’t move much. My husband took me and the baby into the house and then went back out and got the Jeep in the driveway. It was scary there for a while.

  3. I’ve seen snow a handful of times, and though it didn’t stick, it shut everything here down—we don’t know how to function in it. Honestly I don’t even have a coat! lol

    I like your projects, Joy. I’m taking a memoir writing class that starts at the beginning of February, so I’m working on putting what I’ve already written in one place.

  4. Great projects for 2025. Glad you were able to get out. I was starting to have COVID lockdown flashbacks with as much time as we were spending at home!

  5. I hated sleet when I lived in PA and MI because it causes more trouble than plain old snow. Glad you got things shoveled and cleared. I added The White Lady to my Goodreads.

  6. Ugh! That snow sounds awful to me 🙁 Your year-long projects sound amazing. I’ve realized that I’m way too hard on myself when I get busy and don’t finish stuff like that. Kudos to you!

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