
Sugar & Slavery, Empire & Colony #BriFri #BookReview — 10 Comments

  1. These two sentences show me how important this book is:

    “As I felt after reading Before the Mayflower in the fall, I sense an invitation in this book to accept both the slave owners and the enslaved women and men as our shared history, grim as it was. From that acceptance, can spring a more united sense of history that, I hope, can lead to a more inclusive future.”

    We need to be more inclusive, just as we need to see that we have not yet moved beyond the mindset that puts people into different “boxes” based on the color of their skin.

  2. My non-fiction British Isles link this week is a review of a wonderful book I read several years ago called ‘The Perfect Summer: Dancing into Shadow in 1911’ by Juliet Nicolson. It’s told through the eyes of several people living in London at a time of social change. I thought it was an absolutely fascinating read and I would definitely recommend it if you’re interested in that period of British history.

  3. Another great book review. I am finding echoes of my History of the Slave South class are definitely present in this book and the discussion of the commodities that drove the British to claw their way out of infighting and economic ruin through the forced labor and degradation of Africans.

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