It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
I hope everyone is recovering from the Super Bowl or Groundhog’s Day, whichever you celebrated the most.

I want to hand this book to every person on the planet. Imagine a world where we all worked with our creativity instead of resisting it?
I got a couple of books read just in time to complete my New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge:
- The Memoir Project by Marion Roach Smith
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Both good. I’d love all bloggers to read the first and everyone on the planet to read the second.
I also reviewed Walls of Wind, Part I by J. A. McLachlan — a fun sci fi / fantasy ebook being published serially. Part II should be available today and I suspect it’s better than the e-book I currently have on my phone that I’m not really getting into.
We finished the read along of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Check out our final discussion post for thoughts from the group about the book. I think everyone felt like it was a good start to the year.
My current e-book is the anthology Dates from Hell. Neither of the first two stories really worked for me, so I skimmed them. The third one, by Kelley Armstrong, looks promising, though.
I’m nearly finished with My Love Affair with England by Susan Allen Toth. I wish I were going to England tomorrow instead of later this year. Except that, I’m hoping to read lots more books like this in preparation.
I’m stalled in Writing for Emotional Impact by Karl Iglesias, while I work through what I’ve learned so far. I do want to get to the last two parts, though — description and dialogue.
I’m still enjoying The Seventh Sinner by Elizabeth Peters — the setting in Rome is making a nice winter vacation for me.
Will Read
I have Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson sitting on the table to look at when I’m finished with My Love Affair with England. It’s huge! And the first in a trilogy. So we’ll have to see if I’m willing to devote that much reading time to it.
Other than that, I’m not sure what’s next. I have a large stack of memoirs checked out, that were supposed to help me think through my writing. But they aren’t working for me right now, so I’m taking them back. I think I’ll get some more books from my Armchair Anglophile list — there are certainly enough to keep me busy.
It’s Monday! What Are Your Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Be sure to check out her post today to see her selections and the list of links to all the other participating bloggers.