New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge — Wednesday Link-Up, January 28
Welcome to the Wednesday link-up for the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge. Do you have a review or progress report on your blog? If so, add it to the link list below. If not, report your progress in the comments.
The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge runs through January and you can read just one book — so you still have a few days to read a short book. I’ll post one more link round-up next week, on Wednesday, February 5, for those of us, including me, who aren’t quite done reading and reviewing.
As for my progress…
Be a Better Reader. Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose was last week’s completed book.
Be Happier. I finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. See my earlier post for the final discussion of our Read Along book.
Be a Better Writer. I finished The Memoir Project by Marion Roach Smith. Watch for my review this week!
Be More Creative. I started The War of Art by Steven Pressfield last night, so I may, yet, finish all four books by the end of the month.