
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? — 14 Comments

  1. Every now and again I like to chime in on these “what I’m reading” things so here goes . . . .

    Dance With Dragons because my husband bought me the first four books so naturally I had to read the fifth. Especially since I was underwhelmed by the fourth and hoped the fifth would stir my enthusiasm up again.

    The Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates: Magic Marks the Spot which I’ll probably be reviewing next week in my book review blog.

    I just finished a young adult novel I hoped I would like but didn’t so I’m really hoping this one proves to be more delightful.

    How Children Succeed which I just started and so far so good. Interesting stuff. Not quite mind-blown amazing yet but hopefully soon.

  2. I really enjoyed this post! Love the “France” theme throughout your reading! I am going to have a look around and hope to be back soon! I am really trying to encourage my 11th grader to become a Librarian. She is leaning toward History “Professor”. We both love reading, the classics mostly right now.

    • One of the fun aspects of becoming a librarian is that you can get your undergraduate degree in anything you want — including history. Then you get a master’s in library science to have the credentials of a professional librarian.

  3. Live with abandon! I can imagine Julia Child saying this 🙂 I like the food theme you have going here. Like Laurel mentioned, I would snacking while reading all week! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. I’m glad you’re taking a break from feeling guilty. 🙂 What class are you taking? I’m curious. Have a good week, Joy.

  5. I am reading Susan Cain’s book, “Quiet” and I’m in love with it. There’s so much research being done about introversion and it’s a relief to find myself in the pages of the book. I’m having many aha moments! I discovered that I’m an extroverted/introvert as many people are so that they can live in a world that favors extroversion.