
On Travel Photography #SaturdaySnapshot #SketchNote — 10 Comments

  1. WONDERFUL summary! How I would love to take a class from this instructor.

    I adore your image of the London Eye from St. James Park, by the way…

  2. Wow! I’m very impressed with your photography skills! I see what you mean about the two London Eye ones, but it takes a real eye to see how much better that second shot is going to be. I would have been happy to have taken the first one!

  3. Nice to see you back on a Saturday Joy. It’s interesting to think about photography- not always something that we amateurs think about. I do think photography is a way of seeing. I liked the tip about practicing taking photos each day before you go on a trip. My tip for movement is to use the sports setting- essential for things like kids or birds or other quickly moving things. I’m not clever enough to use most of the settings- I generally just use P and change the exposure as needed. And learn to use your cameras panorama setting- or is that cheating?

    • Excellent ideas, Louise. I need to learn to use the panorama setting. That would really help me with context, whether or not it creates a photo that I want to share.

  4. Pingback:Insurgent Departures #Sunday Salon | Joy's Book Blog

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