
Sunday Salon for 2 July 2023 — 8 Comments

  1. Other bloggers complain nonstop about Blogger but to date it’s never given me any problems. The software even handled the conversion to a secure platform. So strange. And the comment handlers in other blogs are very exploitative, not allowing one to link to the commenters’ blogs, while Blogger doesn’t play those annoying games.
    best, mae at

  2. Don’t you hate it when you say something, and then life goes out of its way to prove you wrong? Hope you really have your blog figured out now.

  3. I’m sorry you had trouble updating your blog. I was one of the people who had trouble posting a comment last week after your update. Accepting intermittent blog problems over the years has been an integral part of blogging for me. Fingers crossed that your problems have been fixed.

    There’s something satisfying to me, Joy, for me to hear that, after three years of working on your novel, you are still without a plot. Three of us from our writing class last spring formed a writing club this summer. Our goal is to write a not-very-good novel by October. We meet once a week and encourage one another. None of us have sharply defined characters or a clear setting, and we are hopeful that our plots are evolving. It’s fun to write, nevertheless.

  4. I still need to watch The Lost King. I’ve been meaning to for a while.

    I need to update my blog but I haven’t quite done so yet because I am concerned about having issues. I don’t really have many issues with blogger so will stick with that for now

    Have a great week.

  5. Ooo I need to add The Lost King to our watch list, as well as Extraordinary Attorney Woo! I do remember reading about King Richard III’s skeleton being found in a parking lot (well buried underneath at least) and it was so crazy to think about. That this powerful man in history just ends up being paved right over and no one knows. Life and time just keep moving on. I am definitely adding it to our list.

  6. Plot is my bugaboo when trying to write a novel, too! I didn’t sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo this month. I just won’t have the time for it, without dropping other hobbies (or retiring). Good for you for keeping up with your writing!
    I appreciate the TV and movie recommendations! I don’t know how NetFlix didn’t market Manifest to my husband and me. It sounds right up our alley!

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