V is for Variety #AtoZChallenge
I’m doing the A to Z Challenge in April using the theme “What to Pack on Your Creative Journey.” A good trip always includes new things we haven’t tried before – new flavors in food, new experiences, and new vistas. Let’s pack some variety on our creative journey, too.
Variety’s the very spice of life that gives it all its flavour. ~William Cowper, from the poem “The Task,” (1785)
Although you will be building on previous experiences, creative projects often have some elements that are completely new to you. Identify those elements at the beginning of your creative journey so you can anticipate the new experiences. Trying something new is a fun part of creativity.
Think about what scares you and what excites you about this idea. Those are likely to be the things that are new to you, things that you aren’t quite sure how to accomplish.
Life is more interesting when we’re trying new things. There are all kinds of ways to get the information and experience that we don’t have – talking to others who have completed similar projects, reading books, or taking classes.
When I wanted to improve my photography, I did all of those things. I learned from my partner who has been taking pictures since high school, checked beautiful photo books out of the library, and took classes at my local community college and at my local botanical garden. The next time I want pursue photography, I’ll check out YouTube videos, too.
Don’t let the things you don’t know stop you from pursuing a project. Figure out where the gaps are in your knowledge and trust that you’ll figure out how to fill them later.
How do your creative journeys add spice to your life?