N is for Nerdiness #AtoZChallenge
I’m doing the A to Z Challenge in April using the theme “What to Pack on Your Creative Journey.” Today, let’s add our weirdest outfits to the metaphorical suitcase — the pink and green argyle socks, the purple blazer, or the paisley pants.
Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter. ~Bernard Baruch
As I noted in the post about enthusiasm, some aspects of our culture take away the things we need to pack for our creative journey. When we were young, we heard things like, “You’re so weird” or “Who do you think you are?”
Whether they were directed at you or at others, these statements discouraged any unique expression of ourselves. Creativity requires originality, authenticity, and boldness. As adolescents, we learn conformity and timidity.
Those words can still have power for decades after you heard them, even if no adult experiences bear out the fear that you’re too weird or share too much.
One solution is to embrace your inner nerd. Obsess about your current interest. Display the knowledge, art, and writing generated by that obsession. The more you share, the more you’ll discover the people who enjoy your passion and appreciate your work.
How do you respond to the haters so you can free yourself to do your creative work?