#NewYearBooks 1st January Report
What do you want to accomplish in the New Year? Will reading a book help you reach your goal, keep your resolution, or complete your project? Start the year off right by reading books that support your goals, resolutions, and projects — join the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge!
We’re almost a dozen days into the New Year — how are your resolutions and projects going? What books have you started to help you reach your goals? Record your progress on your blog and use the link list below. Or, report your progress in the comments on this post so that we can all cheer you along.
Here is my progress:
Resolution 1: Kick my addiction to outrage. I’m still nearly finished with the book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong. I seem to be resistant to getting to the end because then I’ll have to decide what I’m actually going to do about those 12 steps. I’ll finish it this week and give myself permission to make a decision later in the month.
Resolution 2: Write a travel article. I’m about a quarter of the way through The Lonely Planet’s Guide to Travel Writing by Don George — the exercises are very helpful! Another book that I haven’t picked up in the last week. It switches from exercises to examples, now, and I don’t seem to be quite ready for the switch. Maybe if I turn them into exercises it would help: How could I write an article like this sample article?
Resolution 3: Learn about the e-book business supported by one of several titles available at the library. I still haven’t selected a book. I’ve got a list somewhere. I’ll see if I can find that today. Maybe “Be more organized” should have been one of my resolutions.
Resolution 4: Be more creative. I started our Read Along of Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. We’re only 27 pages in, so there’s plenty of time to join us! Next week, we’re reading and discussing Part II, Enchantment.
What do you want to accomplish in 2016? What books might help? Let me know if you want suggestions — I’ve compiled a few ideas from hosting previous years of the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge.