Sunday Salon #Bloggiesta Edition
Time: // 8:37 am.
The scene: // Sunny and but not as warm as it looks. We may get rain later. The weather forecaster promises a spring-like week ahead after a rather dreary return to winter last week — we even, unexpectedly, woke to snow one morning!
Listening to: // Nothing yet.
Reading: // I read Fairest by Marissa Meyer in about 24 hours, finishing last night. I’ll read anything set in that world, but it wasn’t my favorite. For me to love a book, I have to be able to root for the characters. The book about the villain of this world was never going to make me as happy as the other story lines.
Blogging about: // Bloggiesta. I’ve been updating my original to-do list post. I started strong, but I’ve been getting less and less done through the week. One distraction, kind of related, was the Day in the Life posts that Trish at Love, Laughter, and Insanity timed to go with Bloggiesta. I posted a recap of Tuesday (one of my better Bloggiesta days) and I’m still working to get around to read everyone else’s. I also posted the results of Ms. Bookish’s mini-challenge to collect a treasure trove of post ideas. Check out and tell me if you want to see any of those posts.
If, in all the excitement, you missed the British Isles Friday post, I shared photos of Buckingham Palace and Mark of Carstairs Considers shared a couple of cozy mystery reviews that sound fun.
Participating in// I’m enjoying the Verbal to Visual Classroom. I made this piece to celebrate Sunday Salon and Bloggiesta:

This quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is from the poem Morituri Salutamus delivered at the 50th anniversary of the class of 1825, Bowdoin College
What are you up to this fine Sunday?