The War of Art by Steven Pressfield #ReadAlong #NewYearBooks
Happy New Year! Are you setting New Year’s Resolutions or goals? Check out the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge and choose a book or two to help you meet your goals.
We’re doing a Read Along in conjunction with the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge — feel free to do either one or both, whatever works for you. If you are participating in the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge, go ahead and count The War of Art as one of your books — I am!
Our Read Along book is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. The subtitle is Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles. But, I’m not sure even that is broad enough to explain how useful this book can be for almost any goal or project you might have in mind, whether you think of it as creative or not.
Do you feel resistance about your resolution, project, or goal? You want to lose weight, but you’re not sure you have the will power. You want a new job, but it’s darn scary out there on the job hunt scene. You want to get organized, but it all just seems too overwhelming. The War of Art can help. That kind of makes it sound like self-help, though, and it doesn’t really come across that way. The War of Art reads as a series of thoughtful essays that make you think about ways you might improve your life.
This is a slim book. I read it too quickly the first time. With the Read Along, we’ll have the luxury of reading it slowly and considering how we can apply it to our lives right now and in the future. Here’s the schedule.
Now. Sign up. If you have the time and place, write a sign-up post and link it below. That’s the best way to get more people to join us. If not, that’s okay, too. But do leave a comment if you’re joining us so I have your email address to send discussion questions.
Book 1 (through page 57). I’ll email discussion questions to every one who signs up on January 7. We’ll have a link-up on January 10th. That’s the day we’ll discuss Book 1 in our own posts and/or in comments on all of our posts.
Book 2 (through page 101). I’ll email the discussion questions on January 18th. The link-up will be on January 21st.
Book 3 (through the end). I’ll email the discussion questions on January 28th. The link-up will be on January 31st.
I hope you’ll join us. This was the most useful book I read in 2014 and I’m looking forward to revisiting it at the beginning of 2015!