First Trip Photos #BriFri
Welcome to British Isles Friday! British Isles Friday is a weekly event for sharing all things British — reviews, photos, opinions, trip reports, guides, links, resources, personal stories, interviews, and research posts. Join us each Friday to link your British-themed content and to see what others have to share. The link list is at the bottom of this post. Pour a cup of tea or lift a pint and join our link party!
I got back from my 3-week trip to England on Wednesday. Yesterday, I was at the grocery store at 5:30AM! I guess it’s going to take a few days to get over jet lag.
For a quick initial trip report, I chose five of the many hundreds of photos that I took to represent some of the big themes of my trip.

Food. Fish and chips and many other good things. I took many photos to use in upcoming Weekend Cooking posts.

Steam engines. We saw engines in three museums, but this was the culmination — the oldest steam engine in the world that is still doing the job it was designed to do. We saw it in action at the Crofton Pumping Station.

Bells. I listened to bells every Sunday morning, plus a rehearsal on a Tuesday evening. This photo of a Trafalgar Square lion in front of the St. Martin-in-the-Fields steeple was taken while I was listening to the bells.

Code-breaking. This scene was at Bletchley Park (I loved the ubiquitous tea cup). I visited Bletchley on the same day that one of the characters in the book I was reading did — Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. I also discovered, in the Sunday newspaper, a fun pen-and-pencil game called Codewords.

Longitude. Straddling the Prime Meridian before we saw the 300th anniversary exhibit about the Longitude Act of 1714 and listened to a conversation with the current Astronomer Royal.
I’ll also link this post to Saturday Snapshot, the weekly gathering of photo posts at West Metro Mommy Reads. Stay tuned for more photos from my trip in the coming weeks.