Garden Tour for #SaturdaySnapshot
Last Sunday was the Garden Tour organized by the Missouri Botanical Garden, an event that happens only every three years and is great for ideas of things to implement in my yard. Here are some of the photos I took to capture those ideas.

I have quite a few photos of this young lady taking photos. I think she took even more than I did! This, by the way, is a waterfall into a swimming pool. Not all of the ideas I saw were practical for my space and budget.

I have many photos of paths. We’re trying to decide what materials we want to use for paths. Stepping stones on wood mulch is one look that I like.
For more photos from this tour, check out my Weekend Cooking post later today. Are there garden tours where you live?
Saturday Snapshots are hosted each week by Melinda of West Metro Mommy Reads. Check out her post this weekend for lots of great photos around the web.