Readers’ Workouts — April 23
Oh hey! It’s Tuesday! Sorry to be late putting up my Readers’ Workouts post. This is our weekly round-up of fitness-related posts and comments, tracking progress and finding support and community.
I’m on track to meet my goal of 1400 minutes for April. I also managed a little more variety in my routines in the last week, including some workouts that I need if I’m going to continue the 12K Fitness Challenge at Team Kickin’ It. That’s been relatively easy for me so far, but it’s a progressive challenge. Now is the time that I have to get serious about it if I’m going to meet my goal to walk 12Ks in January of 2014.
How was exercise for you in the past week? What are your plans for the coming week? Link your post below (feel free to grab the logo) or tell your story in the comments. Don’t forget to visit the links to offer encouragement and support to other participants!