
Readers’ Workouts — 7 Comments

  1. I took liberty to change my March goal today…. I found mileage was taking over my life and this isn’t the goal. I was getting stressed out! HA

    So this week I’m pulling back to 30 miles which is still lofty (120 miles a month) and this will let me do other things.

    Great job catching up. I knew you had snow but didn’t realize there was enough to shovel. Someone mentioned that it was 80 degrees last year, it’s 30 this year… 45-50 is average. This explains why I’m ready for spring!

    Have a great week! ps: I just posted fitness/100 day update

  2. I’m pleased that now I’m done taking the medication that was causing me to gain/retain weight, i’m finally seeing dividends for my healthy eating and exercising, and have lost 5 pounds since March 1st. Wooo! 20 pounds to go…. 🙂

    No dance this week due to work constraints, so this week is 3 60-minute gym days (Mon/Wed/Thurs) plus 1 60-minute combo of aerobic and Pilates DVDs (Sun).

  3. My exercise seems to have gone down the drain and have been feeling rather lethargic as of late. It is not being helped that I now have a ruddy cold! I have been trying to get myself back on track but either something happens or the weather has just been truly rubbish.

    I really admire mari for ‘pulling back’ to 30 miles a week… !!

    Mad March not quite happening here.

  4. Thanks for sponsoring Readers Workouts! I don’t know if I ever mentioned this, but your consistency in working out is very inspiring. I have always been curious about Zumba but never actually gave it a shot, maybe I should include that for my next fitness goal.

  5. I have Wii Fit, I need to get it out again! I’ve been meaning to try Zumba and I’d feel a lot better doing it at home instead of in a room full of strangers.

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