Google Reader Replacement Options — A Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge
As you can see, I’m playing with Bloglovin as a possible replacement to Google Reader which is dying on July 1. It looks pretty but I may need something less visual and more efficient to get through quickly.
The Picky Girl is hosting a Bloggiesta mini-challenge for those of us looking for an alternative to Google Reader: Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge: Feed Readers. She went through a bunch of them so we can assess the pros and cons of the various choices.
[Edited to add, 3 December 2016: Thanks to Lewis Parrott for pointing out that Spundge no longer exists. There doesn’t seem to be an exact replacement, but Lewis offered a page of 50 writing tools that will help you organize material and generate content for blog posts and other purposes] At the moment, I’m considering a different one, though. Chrisbookarama tweeted about Spundge. The most useful page that I’ve found about it is this one: 5 reasons why Spundge should be your Google Reader alternative, with many links to other information. It’s more than an RSS Reader since it will also bring in Twitter, Facebook, and other feeds. But it’s more than that, too. There are ways to curate all that information into notebooks for use later. I’m not sure I have a use for that, but it sure sounds cool — the kind of thing that I might discover I have tons of uses for, I just don’t know it yet.
It’s such a big change in paradigm, however, that I’m hesitant to dive in right now. It might take days before I resurface and Bloggiesta is almost at an end!
What are you doing about an alternative to Google Reader?
In the meantime, be sure to sign up to get my feed via email: Subscribe to Joy’s Book Blog by email. That way, you won’t lose track of me during the transition.