
Readers’ Workouts — November 27 — 20 Comments

  1. Joy, Wow! This is great. For one thing, I love Jillian Michaels and her dvds but I hurt my knee and had to set them, and a lot of other things, aside until I healed. I also am 50 and have a balance disorder so I am the Queen of Accommodation, as I put it. My goal right now is to reintroduce them into my routine in January. In the meantime, I’m using this book to develop some stronger support for my body. I’ll be blogging about it probably on Saturdays or Sundays. I wish I could help Beth out because I also have to be careful of my neck. But “neck problems” is a bit vague. What does that mean? Does it hurt when she is trying to do some of the exercises? If so, which ones? Is it that her neck is feeling fatigued? Because the problem is too vague, I honestly can’t begin to make a suggestion as there are many things one can do but throwing a laundry list of solutions at an unspecified problem can be more confusing than helpful and could even do more harm than good.

    • Body by You sounds like a terrific book. I just requested it from my library.

      I hope you’ll link up your exercise posts with Readers’ Workouts!

  2. I have the opposite problem with squats. I’m constantly hearing trainers yell, “Get lower!” One thing my trainers have us do for squats if your hips are tight and you can’t get good depth is to raise your heels on a book or a weight plate. You get better range of motion without risking falling forward.

  3. Joy, thanks so much for this! So, so helpful. I think I lot of my issues with 30-Day Shred could be resolved by slowing down and paying more attention to my body positioning while doing the movements, even if it means I’m not keeping up with her all the time. And I agree about the jumping jacks–it does not feel good on the knees. I’m going to try your suggestion and do dance moves instead with any of the “jarring” exercises.

    • Finding a different workout than Shred is also an excellent modification! It’s kind of like books — there are so many workouts available, there is no reason to stick with one that isn’t working for you.

  4. Joy, you got me giggling this morning over jumping jacks and knees, so thanks. For the last two months I’ve been power walking 3 x’s a week in a hilly, wooded park that has falls, streams, squirrels and a mythical river otter. And did I mention the two sets of 25+ steps I huff up? Takes about 40 minutes and yes, while I love the benefit, I do it for all the people I’ve known who couldn’t do it anymore. Use it or lose it!

    • Use it or lose it is a huge motivator for me, too.

      That sounds like a lovely walk! I hope you get to see the river otter one day.

  5. Pingback:November Exercise Challenge - Page 9 - 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community Chicks up for a Challenge

  6. I still need to swing my Kettlebells about, they’re languishing by the door at the moment. Maybe I need to get myself a proper workout DVD for them, might be more motivational until I chuck the Kettlebell at the TV!

    And you’re right – exercise has to suit the individual – it depends on what we want, our goals and our personal abilities and limits.

  7. I still need to do my workout post. Ah! I agree with everything you said. I get frustrated that there is down-time between her starting the new exercise. I usually just keep doing reps of whatever I was doing previously to keep up my activity.

    I love your advice on the lunges. The squats and static lunges are okay for me, but the ones stepping forward and sideways always seem hard on my knees. I too have to step forward then drop. I can’t do it as a fluid movement or my knee gets out of whack.

    I have noticed my neck getting sore on level two. I really had to focus on not using my neck muscles to wrench myself up during the more difficult ab moves that involve more of a sit-up than a crunch. Thanks for sharing your modifications.

  8. Hello Joy and other fearless Exercisers,

    SO awesome to hear a bunch of you doing the Shred workouts together. Virtually, anyway! As for the complaints about neck pain after the workouts.. it sounds like muscle aches, probably from using your neck muscles during the ab portions of the workout. This is very common for people who haven’t been doing ab workouts in a while. What happens is that when your abs start to get fatigued, your neck muscles kick in to help lift you up in the ab workout instead of the ab muscles! As your abs get stronger, you’ll rely less on your neck. In the meantime, don’t worry that your neck will get big muscles–that won’t happen! Keep your fingertips on your head during the ab workout just gently supporting your head above/behind your ears. Don’t lace your fingers behind your head or use your hands to pull up your head.

    I did pretty well last week and clocked 388 minutes of workouts. That averages to just under an hour every day, but really my time spent working out varies from a 30 min run to a 2.5 hour bike ride. Yes! In the cold. I am a warrior. LOL!

  9. Hey Joy,

    I’ll check that workout out.

    About squats, the best way I found to teach them was to have someone stand facing a wall, palms facing flat in front. As you squat, you keep you hands on the wall and just let them drag down. You have to sit back. There is no other way. The wall is in the way. It’s very effective.

    Sounds like you are having fun!

  10. I agree with you about those jumping jacks. While I don’t mind doing jumping jacks, I’ve very very careful about doing squats and lunges. I would rather have a less rigorous workout than not be able to work out for weeks because of an injury. I haven’t tried the 30 day shred but I’ve heard about it. I might give it a try one day soon.

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