The Obligatory Updated my Feed Post
I did it! I’ve been waiting all day to get brave enough to revert my feed from FeedBurner back to the native feed for WordPress on my self-hosted blog.
For others worried about this: What I did was delete the PlugIn that was creating the FeedBurner connection for me. I left my FeedBurner account because I see no reason to get rid of it at the moment. I changed the RSS button in my sidebar to the default feed link, which looks like this: http:
From what I can see in Google Reader, I don’t think that anyone needs to do a thing to keep getting my feed there because that’s the feed where everyone is subscribed (which makes me wonder if I ever had FeedBurner set up properly).
The reason that I went to FeedBurner originally was to get an email subscription service set up. So, I’m now using MailChimp for that. I updated the link in the sidebar. It now goes to a MailChimp form to add you to the subscription to my posts. I emailed the people who were subscribed to the FeedBurner email and asked them to sign up again in case the FeedBurner service goes away.