Book Blogger Interview for BBAW Tuesday
My BBAW interview swap is with Kelly, The Well-Read Redhead. Check out her blog for reviews from a wide-ranging reader, posts from an enthusiastic participant of book blogger memes, and progress reports from the Around the World in 80 Books challenge.
1. The Well-Read Redhead is only a few weeks old (welcome!). Tell us why you started a book blog.
I have been blogging 8+ years (since college), but my past blogs were personal blogs, with a few book posts thrown in each month. Once my son was born last year, I became less keen on putting tons of personal info on the internet, and I also realized that my book posts were always my favorites anyway. So, I figured a book blog would be much more fun for me. It’s only been a few weeks, but I already think I was right! I love to read, and I love to write…why didn’t I think of this sooner?
2. Which is your favorite review that you’ve written so far, and why?
As of today, my favorite is the one I wrote for The Beach House by Jane Green (Book Review: The Beach House by Jane Green) …because the author ended up sharing it on her Twitter page! I had a major fan-girl moment.
3. Besides book reviews, what is your favorite post so far, and why?
Hmmm…I haven’t been around long yet, but I’d say my favorite so far is my Top 10 Bookish Confessions…I want to do more posts like that, because I think it’s fun to tell my readers more about me than what they get via book reviews.
4. Has anything surprised you about book blogging or been different from what you expected when you started?
It’s surprising how easy it is to want to spend ALL DAY working on my blog! With my past blogs, I would post on the fly and didn’t spend much time maintaining them. But I’m just having so much fun with this blog, I am constantly online fixing the layout, drafting posts, thinking up future giveaways, updating Twitter, etc. I am passionate about books, and that passion is definitely coming out in this blog. I promised my husband I will level off with the computer time soon…haha.
5. Are there ways that the book blogging world could be more welcoming to new book bloggers?
Honestly, I can’t think of much that could be done on top of what I’ve already seen. I’ve found many amazing opportunities to connect with other bloggers (through memes, blog hops, Armchair BEA, Bloggiesta, and of course BBAW). And everyone seems very forthcoming with ideas about how to improve your blog, gain followers, etc…I was afraid that, as a newbie, it would be hard to learn “trade secrets” but that is not the case. The “blog politics” I’ve run across so far (controversies about plagiarism, paid reviews, etc.) seem to be based on pretty legit concerns, not blogger vs blogger petty disagreements. The only thing I’d like to see is maybe a Northeast Book Bloggers group…I’ve seen them for the Midwest and the South, us Northeasterners need to band up! 🙂
6. Do you have questions you would like to ask of more experienced bloggers? Maybe we can get some answers during BBAW!
I have TONS of questions about blog design…I am not very design savvy yet, so if anyone has free advice, I would accept it! 😉 I’m hoping to work on that during Bloggiesta. Oh, and how do you all find time to read 150 books a year? I have a job, a husband, and a 1-year-old that prevent me from ever thinking that is a possibility…ha!
7. Where is your favorite place to read?
Curled up on the big cushy brown couch in our basement, with a glass of wine at arm’s reach! (Here’s Kelly blogging from her comfy couch).
8. And the famous desert island question: if you were stuck on a desert island, what three books would you want and why?
Oy, so tough to choose. I’ll go with The Time-Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (an all-time fave)…The Stand by Stephen King (because I’ll need at least 1 King, and it’s got to be a chunker)…and What Dreams May Come by Richard Matheson (interesting reflections on life and death, appropriate while stranded on an island).
Thanks for the interview, Kelly! I love your energy. And, I have no idea how anyone reads 150 books a year either! I’m happy if I manage 50.
Visit Book Blogger Appreciation Week for links to more interview swaps — this is a great way to get to know more about book bloggers!