Book Blogger Appreciation Week and Bloggiesta
I’m signing up for two September blogging events today.
Book Blogger Appreciation Week is next week. I’ll be posting for one or more of the 2012 BBAW Daily Blogging Topics. Who else is participating?
Bloggiesta is the last weekend of the month — September 28, 29, and 30. I’ve got something I can’t get out of on the 29th, but I’m hoping to participate fully on the other two days. I’ve got a to do list laying around here somewhere, but I’ll wait until closer to the event to post it. Who is with me on this one? It’s one of my favorite events. I learn lots, get stuff done, and connect with new and old friends all at the same time. Here is the sign up post: Bloggiesta: Participants, Welcome! Lets Get Signed Up!