
Readers’ Workouts July 3 — 12 Comments

  1. I didn’t link this week but here is my report.
    I’m on track since July began although I find I must exercise very early or the heat interferes and when it gets steamy, the lounge chair and a good book beckons.
    I, too, am doing plenty of bending, pulling, stretching and lifting trying to keep ahead of the weeds in my garden.
    My goal for July is 1400 minutes and although it’s only three days in, I am doing well with the minutes. I hope to do some bike-riding this month!
    Love the idea of an interactive comments section! If you figure out how to do it, I hope you will share. Thanks!

  2. I’m not a big gardener, but I completely need to do stuff around the outside of the house, so I might have to pick back up on that! I do have a Wii but can never seem to feel comfortable using it for workouts; the dog or cat always get in the way 🙂

    I just posted my first post to participate in your meme. I hope I can keep it up…

  3. I clocked in last week with 366 minutes. Not bad.. especially since I took two days off from working out. I cycled, took a kickbox class and a strength training class.

    I finished the month of June at 1884 minutes which is 31 hours and 24 minutes of exercise! That’s more than an hour every day. You’d think I’d be so skinny by now…

    I don’t really have a goal for July other than to keep up with what I’m doing and increase strength training sessions. We’re going on vacation this month, too, so I won’t be tracking exercise then. Just going with the flow. 🙂

  4. I’m slowly getting back into my routine. I thought summer would be better for me, but with all the activities I keep getting invited to, it’s actually harder!

    I really am trying to start running. I let the heat keep me in the gym on Friday but yesterday I just decided that I would rise above it. I like hot weather anyway and it is cooling off by the time I get off work at 5, so it worked out just fine. Now if I can just continue! Have fun with the Wii and try to stay cool!

  5. I’m glad Natalie pointed this meme out to me! I hope to participate in it regularly. I put up yesterday’s workout post without knowing about the meme (which is why it doesn’t link to this post). I’ll make sure to link up next week! 🙂

  6. I checked out the comments from June 26, Joy. Thanks for pointing them out and for the video recommendation. I’ve been so bedazzeled what with setting up the new Wordsmith Studio website and getting ready for vacation, I hadn’t had a chance to come back after I posted. I would love to do some pool exercise. Unfortunately, that’s not an option most of the time. I may get the video and try it out when I come back from my trip. At the moment, the knee isn’t really hurting per se. Just making me nervous because it doesn’t feel strong.

    The heat has been a bigger problem. The good thing about going on vacation is the fact that all the hotels where we are staying should have pools and indoor gyms, so meeting my goals for July should be easier. For the 2 weeks that we aren’t at a hotel, we will be in Montana where the temperatures have been much cooler than here in Kentucky.

    So, I’m setting stronger goals for July. 30 minutes in the morning and another 30 in the evening while we are on the road and at least a mile a day in the morning and 30 minutes of Yoga in the evening in places where we don’t have gym access. The grandson I am visiting is Air Force and I may have access to a gym or pool there as well. I keep forgetting to ask him.

    I’ve never tried to calculate exercise goals in minutes before, but I find it an interesting concept. So, I think what I have planned will calculate out to about 1060 minutes.

  7. A belated post… I didn’t get around to writing it on Tuesday or Wednesday!

    I’ve had a good week for running. And today I also did some gardening… well I mowed the lawn which is about as far as I get into gardening. I’m crap at mowing the lawn… the grass is shorter then it was before which is all I can say.

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  9. I am currently attempting to just do something everyday in hopes of being able to start and complete a week of Insanity LOL. But, I like the idea of working towards a set number of minutes/hours in the month. Thanks for letting me know about the site. Looking forward to seeing how everyone is doing and to steal some ideas LOL!

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