Readers’ Workouts July 3
Do you read? Do you exercise (or wish you did)? Join us for Readers’ Workouts — the place where bookish people gather to report and support our exercise goals. We welcome all levels of experience.
My gardening as exercise came to an abrupt halt due to a reverse-911 phone call. Because of the drought and heat, our community has been asked to stop watering our lawns. We weren’t watering grass — we were watering trees and, as a bonus, the weeds underneath. Most of my yard work was going into pulling those weeds. Although, technically we would be in compliance to continue watering our trees, we decided to follow the spirit of the thing and refrain from watering for a few days — except for a quick splash on my vegetables each morning.
Fortunately, I already had an alternate plan in place because I was feeling the need for some variety. The last time I wanted a more varied workout routine, I needed more strength training so I incorporated exercise DVDs into the mix. The yard work is providing plenty of functional squatting, lunging, pulling, pushing, hauling, and lifting. So, I decided what my body needed was more cardio and stretching. To make that fun, I pulled out the Wii.
My goal for July is 1400 minutes including 15 workouts using the Wii. I already have 110 minutes and 2 Wii workouts. At this rate, I may do all 15 Wii workouts at the beginning of the month and then be free to get back to the yard work when the weather (hopefully) cools. I suppose it’s still considered a varied exercise routine to do two weeks of one form of exercise and then two weeks of another form, but it’s not what one usually sees advised in fitness literature.
I really enjoyed all the conversation in the comments on last week’s post: Readers’ Workouts June 26. April, did you see that several people had thoughts about working out with a tricky knee? I’m working on getting a comment driver that will let us subscribe to the comments so that conversation will flow more easily.
How did your week go? Are you finding the weather challenging to your workouts? Leave a link to your post in the link list below or write a report in the comments.