Olé for Bloggiesta!
Bloggiesta was the first blogging event that I participated in, Welcome to my Bloggiesta! It was during the very first month of Joy’s Book Blog, January 2011. I completed a number of little annoying tasks that I had been meaning to do to make my blog more pleasing and graphically coherent. That Bloggiesta was terrific for engaging in the social aspect of blogging — I had all kinds of suggestions and visits and attagirls. It was so much fun!
I’ve been saving two projects for the next Bloggiesta, Google Analytics and social media buttons, for more than a year. So, I am absolutely thrilled that Danielle of There’s a Book and Suey of It’s All About Books have teamed up to bring us a new Bloggiesta from March 30 to April 1: Bloggiesta Participants: Sign Up Here! I’m also looking forward to the challenges and tutorials that will get me to improve my blog in ways that I haven’t even imagined yet.
I have it on my calendar and intend to protect those dates like a mother llama, spitting on anyone trying to take my time away. Be warned.