
Book Review: The Very Best of Recipes for Health by Martha Rose Shulman — 11 Comments

  1. I have been a fan of Martha Rose Shulman for years! I haven’t bought this cookbook . . . yet.

    i too make my own salad dressings and vary them to suit my mood, my salad, and the available herbs.

  2. I like the fact that this is a great reference cookbook, with the healthy aspect to it. We love panninis around here, although sadly to say, I am the only one in my family who likes eggplant 🙁

  3. I like your list of recipes from the book that you want to try. That always tells me whether it’s a good, useful cookbook or just one for reading.

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  7. Ah, this cookbook is great! I love her articles in the NYTImes. My healthy living podcast ‘5 Tips’ is doing a giveaway of this book this month we like it so much!

  8. I live in Switzerland and love reading newspapers from round the world – we have lived in lots of countries – but one day, there was this wonderful recipe by Martha Schulman in the NY Times. It was like an epiphany – I ordered her latest book and read about as much as I could find about her – sorry I didn’t discover her years ago, but lights can come on at any age and keep us alert to world of really good things and philosophies out there. Thank you Martha Schulman, I am a vegan of long-standing and your book is just right for me – I am now an eager fan of the NYT column!!

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