
Garden update: Lettuce — 23 Comments

  1. Super! I miss having a vegetable garden, but our trees have gotten too big and the yard is very shady now. But that’s why I go to the farmers’ market. 🙂

  2. I bought a little potted lettuce garden last year. This morning my husband asked me if I had bought another one. We really enjoyed it. Considering I have a small strawberry garden right now, I think I should just try planting seeds there instead of getting a container garden.

  3. There’s nothing like crisp fresh vegetables from your own garden. Looks like your seed tape experiment is a big success. My yard doesn’t have enough hours of sunlight to successfully grow many vegetables. Luckily, my daughter-in-law is an accomplished gardener and shares her bounty with my husband and me. I’m looking forward to juicy home-grown tomatoes soon.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features WALLA WALLA, WA.

  4. Congratulations Joy!! You’re garden is doing great!

    I sure wish I could have one, but I’d have to design a raised garden and buy the lumber and dirt because our yard is mostly sand.

  5. there is nothing yummier or fresher than salad greens you’ve grown yourself. I can’t seem to keep the grasshoppers off my lettuce this year, they are ferocious 🙁

  6. I’d never heard of seed tape. Someone else told me recently that the first batch of lettuce of the year she lets keep growing until it goes to seed, that way, she has lettuce throughout the rest of the summer on its own. Enjoy. Here’s Mine

  7. Wow–it’s a sustainable salad bar! I love the idea. It’s far too hot to grow greens here in Florida, but that seed tape makes it seem too easy. Enjoy!

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  9. Very cool the tape worked. I use starter plants and then usually plant more starter plants if I can find them after the Fourth of July for all summer lettuce.
    It is so great to have it fresh from the garden isn’t it?

  10. I don’t think I’ve ever seen seed tape in Australia, which looks to be a sad thing. Congratulations on your gardening success! Your harvest looks sensational. I can only imagine how delicious it was.

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