
Book Review: Kitchen Literacy by Ann Vileisis — 13 Comments

  1. First of all, I love your NovaMind outline/review of this book. Second, I think this should be taught in schools! Seriously.. so many kids have NO Idea where the food they eat comes from or even what the ingredients ARE in their original, natural forms or what has to be done to them to turn them into the foods they eat. This kind of knowledge is a basic requirement, in my opinion.

    I admit that I didn’t put much thought to these things while I was younger, although maybe I knew more than my average peers because my mother and grandparents had gardens and made a lot of things from scratch. Still, it wasn’t until I was pregnant with my 1st child 18 years ago that I really started to think about what I was ingesting and where it came from, how carefully it was prepared, etc. I’ve learned so much over the years and am still learning all the time.

    I’m looking for this book on my next library visit. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  2. Kitchen Literacy is going on my reading list. I agree with you that we often don’t know where our produce is coming from. I’ve been trying to think about that more as I feed my family by going to farmer’s markets and participating in CSA. Great post.

  3. Good post, Joy. I wish I had grown up knowing how to garden. It would be good to grow my own veges. I have managed some tomatoes once and have a lemon tree – pretty pathetic effort really. Have a good week.

  4. This is a terrific post and has really got me thinking. I so enjoy shopping at the Green Market in Union Square, and wish that I did it more often. Buying food directly from the grower is such satisfying experience.

  5. Wow. I love chart. What a great way to distill the information. I haven’t heard of this book but it sounds like something I would love. I’ve been fortunate that I’ve almost always lived in an area with local food producers.

  6. I enjoy books that combine food and history – I think part of it is just knowing how much you don’t know (and how much our predecessors DID know), and why that is important. Thanks for sharing!

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