Complete a Creative Project! #Guidebook
All week, I’ve been sharing The Guidebook, a structured process for creative projects. I introduced it on Sunday, described how The Guidebook works for me on Monday, and provided more details (with this illustration) on Tuesday.
I’m looking for a few people to join me this fall to complete a creative project. We’ll follow this schedule, designed to accommodate those of us taking the NaNoWriMo challenge to write a 50,000-word novel in November, and we’ll use these tools to communicate.
Yesterday, I answered questions about the time commitment and about privacy.
Would you like to join me?
Here’s what you get:
- A guided tour through all six stages of The Guidebook
- A structure that solves many problems people encounter during creative projects
- A cohort for support and accountability
Here’s what I get:
- All of the above for my creative project, NaNoWriMo
- People to observe using The Guidebook so that I can improve it
Whether or not you want to be part of the cohort, if you read all the posts this week, you can help me – what do you think of The Guidebook as you understand it? Suggestions? Questions?
Do you want to join me in following The Guidebook to prepare for and complete NaNoWriMo (or some other creative project) this fall? Comment or send an email.