
I, Daniel Blake #FilmReview #BriFri — 5 Comments

  1. I’ll have to look for that one… my grandda could do a wicked Geordie accent – even though he was born in Inverness- so it will feel ‘familiar’ even if I’ll have to translate for the other half. I’ve always been a huge fan of diversity – in people, settings and challenges -and a huge proponent of reading diversity and exposing yourself and kids to the variety of ways to look at the world… sometimes fiction brings a point of view home like nothing else ever could – if you are open to looking. A huge need in today’s society.

  2. I have not seen this movie but you certainly make a good point about movies and class representation. I noticed in the later Inspector Banks books that is an officer referred to someone as a Geordie they were told, “Let’s not have any of that profiling!”. Great post, Joy and I see many linkups I want to visit today.

  3. I will look for the movie. Great it has captions because I have a hard time sometimes with English English, Southern American English, Irish English, Scottish English, Welsh English, Australian English, New Zealand English, American slang English just to name a few! Love the irony with my thick Boston accent!!

  4. Pingback:Howl’s Moving Castle #BookReview #BriFri – Joy's Book Blog

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