Yoga in the Morning #ReadersWorkouts

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Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, the weekly event where book lovers share workout stories, goals, successes, and challenges.
For two mornings in a row, I did ten minutes of yoga, first thing. Two days doesn’t make for a habit, but I hope if I blog about it that I’ll make it a few more days and maybe it will turn into a habit. So far, the yoga, itself, hasn’t been the reward.
My first reward is that when I do sit down at my desk, I’m much more willing to write in my journal instead of diving into Facebook. My days go much better when I don’t get sucked into Facebook right at the beginning.
My second reward has been a greater willingness to take a walk at 11am. I love my normal walk time in the late afternoon, but it’s been in the upper 90s by that time of the day. I’m much better off, right now, if I take the walk early.
How is your exercise going? Is summer heat having an impact?