
Chasing Deer #ReadersWorkouts — 7 Comments

  1. Hmm – can’t say I’ve ever chased deer.

    I ran a 10K this past Saturday and was happy with my time. I do enjoy races, even if I’m slower than 2/3 of the field.

  2. Totally a You Tube video of Joy and the Deer, Joy Wins!
    Just last week I was pulling my car out of my drive when I saw a big fawn looking at me from the middle of my street. I beep and she looks like Hello! I beep again and she trots off. I do live on a cul de sac but I am in the city. Couldn’t understand last year when my roses were doing so poorly. Found out that is a tasty deer treat!

  3. Oh Joy, I had to check “deer” in the dictionary to make sure it was what I was thinking it was – I can’t believe they are adventurous enough to go to your garden, I mean, so close to humans!
    And I’m laughing at you trying to traumatize them pretending you are dangerous 🙂 This is very funny, Joy!

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