A Merry Month of Movement #ReadersWorkouts

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Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, the weekly event where book lovers share workout stories, goals, successes, and challenges.
I didn’t quite meet either of my goals for November, 1120 of 1200 minutes and 7 of 8 strength-training workouts. But, I came close enough to make the same goals for December. I also made progress in strength-training — that has to be one of the most satisfying forms of exercise for seeing actual progress in a short amount of time.
How was your November? What are you planning for December? Do you expect it to be easier or more difficult than most months for exercise?
For Readers’ Workouts, talk about your fitness activities on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link to your post below or join us in the comments! Be sure to visit the other participants to see how we all did.