
Readers’ Workouts — April 21 — 7 Comments

  1. I survived the yoga lesson last Friday! It was more challenging than I thought, but really good to have someone watching me and correcting my stances. I also managed to move my blog with some help from the husband.

    Next week is going to be bad for exercise, I have a business trip Tuesday through Thursday. Not sure how I’m going to get anything done except walking between meetings.

    • Yay for a good yoga experience with an attentive teacher. My first class didn’t have that and it put me off yoga for years.

      Good luck with your business trip. I sometimes skip a session in order to get a longer walk completed.

  2. Hi Joy!
    I keep on running. It’s hard, but last week I got to run 20 minutes at a time. I felt exhausted but proud of myself.
    I’m reading some self-help books which mention that you have to stablish a long-term reward for the things (habits) you want to change, and I think I’m buying a brand new dress when I run 40 minutes, which is the goal of the programme I’m following.

    Good luck with your goals, and try to do it little by little, not everything in one day!

  3. It’s amazing how quickly the month can get away from you. I had a few weeks off with neck injury and terrible, pathetic-making head cold, and then of course a week after that of not being motivated enough to get back. But back into I’ve gotten. We’re moving next week, so a lot of activity is coming from packing and hauling. Aiming for one exercise class and two regular workouts this week.

  4. Dance, dance baby 😉 I love to do this too. I’m researching marathon training… since I got into the lottery I’m going to do one more! Actually super excited just a bit overwhelmed that this is happening. 🙂

  5. I think everyone is rushing to get in outdoor exercise at the end of the month because the weather is finally consistenly nice enough to be outdoors for any length of time!

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