
Readers’ Workouts — December 10 — 4 Comments

  1. The usual Monday 2 hours (group class and sparring), and I may be able to go cattle ranching in October with a friend from the karate studio. I’ve never ridden a horse, but he says I wouldn’t be the only horse-newbie there. He said I was “athletic” enough to enjoy it, and I’ve never in my entire life been called athletic, so that made my night.

  2. I started using my finger to type again but it doesn’t feel good. Not painful but uncomfortable. I may not be up to full speed until the new year but I’ll definitely be blogging again come January.

    I’m still exercising. Daily. I just wish my finger were fully healed now and not later.

  3. I love this idea of a group workout challenge. I’ve been terribly off-track the last couple of months, but thinking that I could try and participate coming the new year.

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