Readers’ Workouts — October 15
Welcome to Readers’ Workouts where readers prove we can move. Join us each Tuesday to share your exercise stories and find companions for the fitness journey.
Motivated by some of the readers who workout, I’ve been gently incorporating some strength-training back into my regime recently. Exercise videos used to be my main inspiration, but apparently I’m bored with them. Or, maybe it’s that I’ve learned what I need to. These days, I’m watching the appropriately bookish Once Upon a Time series while inventing my own routines on the fly.
As of this morning, I’m 30 minutes shy of the mid-point of my goal to exercise 1400 minutes this month. Since it’s a long month, I’m in good shape. I’m increasing my streak! I haven’t counted up in awhile, but I’ve exercised every day for 80+ days in a row now.
How are you doing as we reach mid-month?
Link your post below (feel free to grab the logo) or tell your story in the comments. Don’t forget to visit the links to offer encouragement and support to other participants!