
Readers’ Workouts — May 14 — 4 Comments

  1. Great news on your streak!

    I had an awesome, but tiring week with final prep for the trek. I think running the half day one played a role in my exhaustion (I usually run no more than 4 miles these days – doing my 4 mile loop 2x/day. one for exercise, once for enjoyment, walking, taking in the outdoors.)

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. You exercised every day so far this month?! You’re amazing! I’ve been walking almost daily and I’m enjoying it. I’m also counting calories which makes me pickier about what I eat. It’s nice not to feel full all the time. 🙂

  3. I’ve been out of the loop for a few weeks, lots of family health stuff going on. Haven’t really been doing much, but hope things settle down and I can start over and really get into a good workout routine.

    Hope you keep that streak going!

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