Readers’ Workouts July 31
Welcome to the first Summer Olympics edition of Readers’ Workouts! Each Tuesday, bookish people share our exercise stories, tribulations, and triumphs.
Are you enjoying the Olympics? I loved the nod to literature in the Opening Ceremony — yay for Mary Poppins to the rescue! I watched all of the men’s and women’s road races. We’re thinking of going to London next year, so it was like taking a virtual bicycle tour of the area.
It’s the last day of July. I met my July goal to workout with my Wii 15 times. Yay! I’m rewarding myself with the Wii game Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics. I don’t know if it will help my exercise at all, but it sounds like another good way to get a virtual preview of London.
I only have to do 45 minutes of exercise today to meet my goal of 1400 minutes of exercise in July. I’m pretty sure I’ll make it because there are at least two more loads of compost in the truck to shovel into the handcart, haul over to my garden, and spread.
How was your week? What are your plans for the coming week? Are you watching the Olympics? Are they inspiring your exercise?
Post on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link below or join us in the comments.