Booking Through Thursday: Age Appropriate
Do you read books “meant” for other age groups? Adult books when you were a child; Young-Adult books now that you’re grown; Picture books just for kicks … You know … books not “meant” for you. Or do you pretty much stick to what’s written for people your age?
I read for all age groups. Some of the best story tellers of our day write for the Young Adult market and I’m not willing to miss out just because they aren’t meant for me. I just finished Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John (look for my review on Friday) and I’m currently reading Sequins, Secrets, and Silver Linings by Sophia Bennett, both YA novels and both highly recommended for all ages.
I read picture books to scout out new material to read to the kids in SPROG. But even when I didn’t have that excuse, I have occasionally spent hours in the bookstore or kids section of the library looking at the illustrations as artwork. Also, I have never had much patience for poetry, but if it’s in a picture book, I will happily read, and even memorize, poems.
Romances and chick lit are starting to feel like they are written for women younger than me, but I haven’t stopped reading them yet. As many women do as they age, I’m also growing to like the mystery genre and mainstream literature, especially when it’s written by and for women.
My non-fiction reading is usually more age-appropriate, but I did recently skim Generation WTF by Christine B. Whelan and thought it would be useful to anyone in transition right now, not just the college-age and twenty-something crowd.