
Booking Through Thursday: Age Appropriate — 6 Comments

  1. I tend to read whatever appeals to me, whether it’s younger or older. Most books have characters younger than I am (at this point in my life, everyone is younger!), but I do tend to gravitate to anything with a story and characters to which I can relate. Mostly those are adult novels, but I’m open.

    Here’s MY BTT2 POST

  2. Ah, so it’s my age that has steered me towards mysteries and classics. You could be right on that one ;). I do love a good cozy mystery. I read from a great myriad of authors and genres, depending on my review schedule or my mood.

    My Bookshelf

  3. I do read around. I’ve picked up John Green’s YA “Looking for Alaska” and liked it, reread “The Phantom Tollbooth” fom my childhood, and I have a couple of interactive fiction “Fighting Fantasy” books on order from when I was a teen and utterly obsessed with that series (Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone’s “The Warlock of Firetop Mountain is one).

    I might skim Generation WTF also, I liked the preview chapters on the web site. Thanks for the recommend!

  4. I like your suggestions here for YA books. I read YA occasionally and have loved them so I should read more. I have noticed a small trend in romance books for women over 50. There are also quite a few mysteries with main characters 60+.

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