
Pinterest — Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge — 88 Comments

  1. Great information! For Bloggiesta, one of my goals, was to add a Pin it button to my blog! YAY! I will be tackling that soon!

    I will be checking out The Ultimate List of Pinterest Tips! And I KNOW I need to use better keywords when pinning something, lol. And there’s WAY more great tips on that site! I will have to read more into those as well!

    I will come back and complete this challenge in the next couple of days. There’s some tips here and such I would like to do!

  2. Yay – you reminded me that I needed to put up my workout playlists from my other blog on Pinterest. Then, when I thought about what I could post from my book blog (other than reviews) – I realized that since book lists are what I most love doing – I should add those to Pinterest – so => Bookish Lists on Pinterest

  3. I am already on Pinterest, yet I have never pinned stuff of my own on my boards. I use it mainly for pinning stuff I want to keep from other blogs for later refference. Mainly recipes that I want to try 🙂 Somehow I don’t feel that it is fitting to pin my own posts. BTW: if you want to follow me, I am Uniflame on there 🙂

  4. Oh BTW I did find “how to add pin it buttons to the bottom at your posts” thanks to the pinterest tips 🙂 So now it is easier for other people to pin my posts 🙂

  5. I added the “Follow Me on Pinterest Button” to my sidebar and pinned one of my blog pics. But that’s all for now, or I’ll spend all day on Pinterest instead of working on my blog goals. 😉 Thanks for the challenge!

  6. Pingback:Bloggiesta Begins! | Joy's Book Blog

  7. Pingback:Bloggiesta Kick-off « Under My Apple Tree

  8. Great article. I was already on Pinterest but was not pinning directly from my posts. Thanks for this challenge!!

  9. Pingback:Bloggiesta Quests – Let the Fun Begin! «

  10. Hi Joy,
    I am doing your Pinterest challenge. I signed up for a Pinterest account, but really haven’t done much with it, so I am hoping to change that. Thank your for hosting this mini-challenge.

  11. I’m a big Pinterest user already but I had to reinstall my “Pin It” button to my posts after a template change today. So I had to re-learn how to do that! I also followed your boards and pinned a blog post I did yesterday.

  12. Great mini-challenge. I am always looking for ways to promote my blog. I added the Pinterest button to my blog and already pinned two reviews from my blog. I also realized that people had already been pinning pictures from my blog – including my button.

    Thanks for hosting this mini-challenge.

  13. Excellent suggestions! I use Pinterest, but I haven’t done much blog promoting. I’ve got a Pin It button, so now I’ll start using it!


  14. Thanks for the information!
    I put a “follow me on Pinterest” widget on my blog sidebar.
    I’m too much of a wimp to mess with my template, but am hoping that Blogger will add the pinterest button to the little icons that are at the bottom of each post.

  15. Yay, thanks for this! I successfully added a “Follow me on Pinterest” button to my blog 🙂 And now I definitely want to start pinning stuff directly from my blog.. I’ve never done that before! Hehe.

  16. Pingback:Bloggiesta To-Do List | Books: A true story

  17. I have had Pinterest for about a year now, but I had never thought about using it for my book blog before. I am definitely re-doing my Pinterest boards now!:)

  18. Hehe Pinterest is addictive! I love it but didn’t know how to use it for my blog, thanks for the advises! 😀 I learned a lot of things, and now I made my first pin from my website. I think I’ll keep doing it, at least with some posts, so now I’m going to work on adding a pin button for my posts.

    BTW, I actually discovered people was already posting pins from my blog :0


  19. I already use pinterest for non-blog things and I just recently started my own pins. This weekend im going to start pinning my reviews into “books worth reading” Thanks for the challenge 😉

  20. What a well-organized and informative challenge! I had hesitated to add a “Pin It” and “Follow Me” buttons on my blogs, but now I see how useful they can be. I will be coming back to read more over the weekend.

  21. TY for this challenge 🙂 Please enter me. I discovered Pinterest a few months ago & there are days Ia m on there for HOURS! I love Pinterest!
    I have the Follow Me on my page & the Pin It button in my tool bar but IDK how to add a Pin It under all of my posts.
    Is that something you do for each individual post or can you add a code somewhere to make it pop up after every post you posts?
    I am a first timer to Bloggiesta & I am excited 🙂

  22. Pingback:Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge – Code Name: Pinterest | Daisy Chain's Chocolate-covered Books

  23. I already opened a Pinterest account, but didn’t realize I could pin directly to my blog posts! I thought it was just for images. Thank goodness I’m participating in Bloggiesta Ole and followed your challenge. Thanks!

    Here’s my board of book reviews. Not done yet. So many to pin, but I want to get back to the rest of the challenges.

    Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez
    On Twitter: @ZaraAlexis

  24. I absolutely love the very addictive world of Pinterest. I am actually already on Directory of Book Bloggers on Pinterest. I have even already pinned some of my reviews. I don’t do it regularly though. I need to use it more for my blog. Thanks for this mini-challenge.

  25. I already use pinterest and I thought I knew everything, but the link to see all the pins from your website is so awesome!! I also didn’t know about the Pin It bookmarklet. You have enabled some serious pinning! 🙂 Thanks for this great post. I love pinterest and I got some great ideas for new things to post. I’m totally going to start a board for my favorite book blogs and author blogs.

  26. Pingback:What the...?! {Pinterest and Your Blog} || For Love and Books

  27. I’m not on pinterest but would love an invite. I hadn’t really seen the appeal of browsing (but then hadn’t browsed any book lists there before, just random browsing from the home page). I love the idea of being able to use it to cross promote my site. Now I just have to see when I’ll have the time to build some book lists there.

  28. I’m already on Pinterest (followed you!) and doing many of the things you mentioned…except using it to help promote my blog, since I tend to pin things more for my own reference. However, I did start one new board for reviews and added a few pins to it. Here’s one:

    Thanks for the great idea and the mini-challenge!

  29. I had Pinterest before today but hadn’t really used it as I wasn’t sure what to do with it, but now I do! Thank you so much for this! I’ve now pinned a few of my posts and one had 2 repins within five minutes! So happy about that! I now have a follow button on my blog too 😀
    I will think about incorporating the “pin it” into the post soon too. 😀

    Thanks for this challenge!!

  30. Was already on Pinterest, but never thought to use it to promote my blog. Set up a new board and pinned all of my reviews for 2012! And then followed your lead with setting up a blogging board, and re-pinned several of your pins. Have added a Pinterest button to my sidebar, and will add a Pin It button to my posts later this weekend. Thanks for all of the great information!

  31. Pingback:Bloggiesta — Google Analytics | Joy's Book Blog

  32. Thanks for hosting this challenge. I received an invitation early this month and never created my account. This challenge reminded me to do so and now I’ve pinned several reviews from my blog. I have a list of boards I want to make, but I better not just yet. I have to get back to writing more book reviews!

    I will add Pinterest button to my sidebar and Pin It button to my posts to my to do list. Thanks for the tips!

  33. Thanks! This was a great challenge. I had signed up for Pinterst a few weeks ago but didn’t know what to do with it.

    So… now I have created a “Book” board where I am pinning the covers plus my reviews. I didn’t know I could link direct to the post. I installed the little pin-it button and it works great. Later I will add the follow button to my side bar.

  34. this was a helpful post. it reminded me I should add a “follow me” button. I have two boards (which I haven’t attended as well as I could): “bookish” & “read me (favorites)” been kicking around more specific boards, looking at yours and others boards have been a helpful for providing ideas.

  35. Thank you, completed the challenge
    Was already on Pinterest. Sent an email to add myself to the book bloggers directory. Following all of you on pinterest (LadyInRead) and adding a board for now for pins from my blog (had a couple before for books/other items reviewed as well)
    And am planning to add the Pin It button to my posts.. Tried it before but it did not work. retrying this weekend
    Thanks for the challenge

  36. I have been on Pinterest for a little while but hadn’t used it too much. I hadn’t really figured out how to use it for the blog. However I have now added boards for my author interviews, books reviewed in 2012 and my Weekend Cooking posts. I also added the Pinterest logo link to my blog for my page.

  37. Pingback:Mini-challenges! | Uit een doosje

  38. Pingback:Met de Paplepel » Mini-challenges!

  39. This was a fun challenge! I never even thought of using Pinterest for my blogs even though I have one and follow other blogs on it! D’oh! So thank you very much, and thanks for the helpful link about the ‘pin it’ button!

  40. Thank you so much for this post! I’ve been on Pinterest for a long time and I love it! It’s so addicting. I recently started pinning pictures from the books and movies I’ve reviewed. I should pin pictures from my crafts too!

    Anyway, thanks for talking about the directory. I had no idea about that and just signed up to be part of it!

  41. I had a Pinterest account with a tiny bit of stuff pinned to it…I was still trying to figure out how it worked. I just added a board and pinned a book review I wrote to it! How cool is that? I have a lot to learn about Pinterest yet…

    Thanks for this mini-challenge!


  42. Hi Joy,
    I checked out the Mashable post. It’s a somewhat involved process involving the Feed43 tool to turn the “” page into an RSS feed for analysis, etc. It’s a little involved for my needs but I think bloggers with lots of followers and pinners will get some use out of it.

    The Mashable article permalink is:

  43. So, in the interests of doing a mini-challenge this Bloggiesta, I added a “Pin it” button to my posts. I used the Blogger Sentral instructions and code and voila! There is a “pin it” button at the bottom of my posts (when you’re in the post, not the home page). Check it:
    (I was already on Pinterest as “balletbookworm” so just joining and pinning didn’t seem enough, lol)

  44. Pingback:Bloggiesta MiniChallenge Update: Goodreads, Pinterest, and Shelfari «

  45. Hi there Joy! We’ve been in Pinterest for quite awhile now, and you’re absolutely right, it’s addictive. We joined your mini-challenge here as it coincides perfectly with our own goals of updating our boards and our list of books. Here is our update on your mini-challenge:

    You might also want to check out our Pinterest here:

    Thanks for hosting this lovely lovely mini-challenge! Will search for your pinterest account too.

  46. I completed this challenge! I already had a Pinterest account(obviously) so I added a Pin it button to my blog and I organized my boards. I also pinned my WLW mini-challenge post! 🙂 I hope everyone has been getting more people following their boards this weekend, I sure have! Plus I’ve been following them as well!

    Here’s a link to a post so you can see the pin it button:

    Such a great challenge you hosted!

  47. Pingback:Bloggiesta: Mini-Challenge Wrap-up « Under My Apple Tree

  48. Pingback:Finish Line for Bloggiesta «

  49. HI Joy! I have avoided Pinterest like the plague as I am sure it will suck me in to all of its fascinating things and then I will be forever lost…. pinned to a board somewhere…LOL

    However… I do like the thought of being able to market Book Journey so you have peeked my interest. I think I put in a request for access a few weeks ago when I had some friends over who did the old “come on, everyone is doing it!” but do not recall hearing back from them. Could you send me the invite? I would like to pull this off for Bloggiesta.

  50. Pingback:Bloggiesta Finish Line!!! WOO HOO!!! | Book Journey

  51. Pingback:Bloggiesta 2012: Success - Miss Remmers Reviews

  52. Thanks so much for this post!
    I was a bit clueless on what Pinterest was all about, so you have cleared a few things up.

    I’m still not sure if I’ll like doing it though so I’m letting it rest for now 😀

  53. Pingback:Bloggiesta Wrap-up | Janicu's Book Blog

  54. Pingback:Bloggiesta — Finish Line | Joy's Book Blog

  55. Pingback:Bloggiesta: Wrap-Up « The Englishist

  56. Pingback:Morning Meanderings.. Pinterest Interest and The Blog | Book Journey

  57. Pingback:Link Roundup and A Note On Plagiarism

  58. Pingback:Pin It and Do It: joining a Pinteresting Challenge | Joy's Book Blog

  59. Pingback:Bloggiesta September 2012: Flashback Mini-Challenges | There's A Book

  60. Pingback:Bloggiesta: Starting Day 3 #bloggiesta « Leeswammes' Blog

  61. Pingback:Bloggiesta: Final Post #bloggiesta « Leeswammes' Blog