
The Royal Wedding Edition of #BriFri — 10 Comments

  1. I will watch it – but further on in the day. I’m not at all interested in the US coverage – so I’ll probably queue up Brit Box or BBC … It’s been an interesting bit of compare/contrast – while I don’t think that the presence of Meghan will change many behaviors – and that saddens me – I think that the takeaway for most Brits will be the crap and scenes her ‘family’ – father’s kids – not actual full siblings) are causing because well – they can. And – when you add in the general tendency that appears to be the norm these days of zenophobia and fear of those ‘different’, with nationalist overtones that are popping up world wide.

  2. I’d invited my elderly neighbor—born in Guernsey—to come at 4 AM to watch the wedding as she’s been very interested in the proceedings. Yesterday, she bowed out saying that even for her—always up by six in the morning and out sweeping her patio—it was too early.
    I’ll still wake up early to watch, but I’ll watch from bed.
    I hate that the wedding is bringing out an ugly racist streak, I am not surprised. As for her family’s behavior, we all have members of our families and extended families that might not look so good under the bright light of scrutiny. The hope is that we can all be judged by our own actions and behavior. period.

  3. I won’t watch. I’m mildly interested in the state of freedom of (from) religion in the U.K. Maybe not enough to research it.

    It’s only been 80ish years since a king abdicated so he could marry a divorced American woman, because the church (founded so a king could divorce) would not allow it. And only 60-odd years since a princess was not allowed to marry a divorced man and keep her title due to pressure from said church. Then they let Prince Charles marry a divorced woman, after he’d already bred heirs. Now an unlikely heir (6th or something?) is allowed to marry Meghan. That looks like progress, I guess.

    What if the Duke of Cambridge, or his heir, someday announces that he’s an atheist? Or even just a person with secular preferences separate from organized religion (like most people). Will he abdicate? Or will government (insofar as British royalty is actually government) be separate from the church?

  4. I won’t bother to watch, but I’ll look at photos of clothing, esp. the wedding dress and the little kid outfits. I’m into heirloom sewing and enjoy casting a professional eye over the little girls’ dresses.

    In fact, here’s a fun clash of worlds for you: I read some historical embroidery blogs and the specialists are annoyed because there’s a shortage of goldwork threads right now. It took a while for people to realize that’s because all the supplies got directed to the royal wedding for those fancy gold-encrusted uniforms.

  5. I won’t watch it live as I’m out tomorrow, but I’ll catch up with it later. I’m not particularly interested in the royals but I do tune in for events like this as all the pomp and ceremony is fun to watch, it’s a great spectacle. Harry is probably my favourite member of the royal family.

  6. We’re all for love and romance in our household, so we will be watching despite our leanings toward the Republic for Australia movement. Even B20 and B17 seem to be keen – could be their love of Suits though that’s influencing their behaviour though 🙂

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