My New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge
Christmas Eve feels like a good time to sign up for my own challenge. You’re welcome to join us now, or New Year’s Eve, or even later. The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge is to read 1 to 4 books between now and the end of January that support your New Year goals, resolutions, or projects.
I’m signing up for the Passionate level of 4 books and I plan to read books to support 4 different resolutions.
Be a better reader
Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and For Those Who Want to Write Them by Francine Prose. A friend (thanks Antona Brent Smith, aka Taye’ Foster Bradshaw, the Latte Queen) handed me this book a month or so ago since it seemed just perfect for my interests.
Be a better writer
The Memoir Project: A Thoroughly Non-Standardized Text for Writing & Life by Marion Roach. I’ve had this checked out of the library at least twice but still didn’t get to it. A Facebook friend (thanks, Laura Lee Carter, the Midlife Crisis Queen) mentioned it in conjunction with New Year’s Resolutions, which gave me the idea to try it again now.
Be more creative
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield. Another book recommended by a friend (thanks Katie Argyle, the creative force behind Plastic Masters of the World Unite).
Be happier
The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin. Also suggested by a friend (thanks, Vasilly of 1330v) who suggested it as our Read Along book for the 2014 New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge. I’ll announce it officially as our choice tomorrow along with a special Christmas giveaway!
What books could you read to support your New Year goals, resolutions, and projects? Join us by signing up in the comments or with a blog post on the announcement page.