
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? — 16 Comments

  1. I have read just one Nora Roberts novel, something about friends and marriage (a wedding trilogy from a few years ago). Enjoyed it.

    I hear the term steam punk around but honest… I have no idea what this is. Reading your post I can tell it’s light in fare.

    Hope you are well. I have a day to recover between guests but now it’s time for family… no stress. Have a great day Joy. I hope to catch up a bit with blog posts (yours… that is. Not writing). HA

    • Steam punk is re-imagined history where nineteenth and early-twentieth century machines worked better than they actually did. And, of course, no one takes any of it too seriously, so it’s lots of fun!

  2. I think the only thing lighter than YA steampunk is probably a middle grade book or maybe a light graphic novel? I’ve been meaning to read Westerfeld’s series for awhile now. Maybe I’ll get to it sometime next year. Happy reading.

  3. Leviathan was a fun read but I’m yet to finish the rest of the series, maybe next year and I’m finishing off a Nora Roberts trilogy this week, always good holiday reading. Have a great week and happy reading whatever you decide on lol

  4. I haven’t read The Search yet, but I read The Witness or is it just Witness?–earlier this year and really liked it. Like you said, the ending is sort of story book and not necessarily very realistic, but I love the journey.

    I’ve always wanted to read that Westerfeld series! I’ve read a few steampunk novels and do enjoy that alternative world! Fun!

    I read a beautiful YA fantasy two-book series this year–Eon and Eona by Allison Goodman. I loved both books.

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